On days where the sun is shining its gorgeous and everything looks sun-licked and happy,
on days where it is cloudy the leaves all over, look like they have swallowed pieces of sunlight from yesterday.
and then there are these confused moments of the past and the future meeting in unusual ways!
Nature displays with no fear of seeming ridiculous! If you look closely, you can see a September sunflower growing out of the pine tree branch. There are a lot of things you can't quite see or know from this sub-par photo! The first thing is that this is directly out of my bedroom window and I live on the second floor. The second is that this flower grew and hung out there for weeks, it felt like it came there for me and my friends to remind us that what was happening was special. And the flower fell, and disappeared at the same time my friends did continues on their journey too. But then again, most magic is ephemeral ;-)
One of the sweetest gifts of this fall was the building of the phoenix, the new nibble barn. I will tell you the whole story one day, but for now, just know that this barn represents true goodness in the world, and in our community here in ytterjärna it represents the beginning of recovering from death and fire, rising again. And it was built by some of my favorite people <3
As the leaves fall and the wind picks up winter's chill, the image is that all the elemental beings return from the cosmos and enter the ground to live in earths structures through the winter. Interesting to think about, and here the feeling of beings all around us supporting the growth and death in nature is palpable. If you don't believe in fairies or elves or such things, try living in the Swedish woods for a while.
The view from my balcony behind the hedge!
peace and love to you my friend