This morning when I woke up one of my first thoughts was ‘oh, wouldn’t it be awesome if someone made me coffee this morning’ and just now, as I was starting to write, a housemate on facebook asked me if I wanted a coffee and they would deliver it to my room in three minutes! Thank you Jonathan!
The most obvious moments of magic and manifesting are usually so simple and little we often miss them. Also I find that they always involve the action and participation of another. All of our creations powerfully happen with more than one, more than the self, more than our own desire.
This past week is again so full that what I am able to share is just a sliver of the gifts and moments that happened. We (the YIP community!) finished the course in nature observation and the lingering message from the last class for me was that ‘living alone is the most inefficient thing’. This idea dovetailed nicely into the theme of peace, the topic of the past week. While I could give you a blow by blow rehash of the course that is not what this blog is about. I mention this course to give context to the first powerful moment of magic this week. As an exercise in this course I partnered up with an amazing woman to sit and say what we saw in each other. The assignment was to sit close enough so that you could place your hand on your partner’s heart and for the next twenty minutes go back and forth saying what you saw and thanking the other for what they saw. Sounds simple enough and my mind quickly thought about how this was an exercise in receiving, oh so new age-y so blah blah blah. The woman that I did this exercise with is so beautiful that my fear was that I wouldn’t be able to notice or say anything else, and as we started that was a challenge J As we proceeded the exchange became more genuine and abstract (at one point she said she saw a big strong oak tree!). The moment of surprise came when I told her that I saw courage in her and tears started rolling down my face. It was amazing to feel so moved by what I saw in someone else, someone who I really don’t know that much about, who I don’t have any agreements with and no expectations. As we moved through the exercise even though she shared some insights about me that where true and powerful, the moments that moved to tears where the moments that I saw something powerful in her. Thank you Zuhayra.
I’m not sure exactly when it started but sometime over the weekend or maybe Monday signs and messages began appearing. Especially at first they where totally cryptic, such as ‘pay attention and notice the signs’ or ‘something is coming’ sort of apocalyptic and prophetic! And I just assumed it was someone expressing angst in an odd way or making art. And the signs kept coming, on the black board in the room that we practice yoga and have most of the courses the question appeared ‘would you follow the white rabbit?’ and small in the corner next to a drawing of a white rabbit it read ‘…I would…’. Then when it was just starting to become a little ridiculous it happened, we followed the rabbit! Food was the bait, on Wednesday there was a sign up on the door to where we usually dine to follow the white rabbit if you wanted dinner! What awaited us was a beautiful mystery dinner party! We walk into the room to discover a huge table complete with name cards, candles, balloons and flowers. On each of the name cards there where specific instructions ranging from reciting parts of a poem (other people had the other parts) to putting on a tiara that was taped to the bottom of their chair and telling the group how much she loved them to helping serve the food. It was inspiring and amazing, plus a delicious meal. Thank you universe <3
There are still more magic stories to share but they will have to wait for another day. Love lots so you can experience more magic in the world and remember the potions are not as important as the other people, known or unknown. Xoxoxoxes from ytterjarna Sweden to you